Tag: <span>carbon farming</span>

Balancing the greenhouse gas emissions budget: it’s not just carbon!–by Emma Elbaum

Imagine, for a moment, a seesaw. On one side, put volcanoes, fires, and decomposing plants. On the other side, put trees, oceans, crops, and gardens. This seesaw represents how carbon dioxide enters and leaves the atmosphere. Trees, oceans, soil, and living organisms remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, …

The New Regenerative Organic Certification Redefines ‘Organic’–by Casey Hughes

New certification alliances continue to push the boundaries for what consumers can expect from product labels. Most recently, the Regenerative Organic Alliance has come together to launch the Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC) in the spring of 2018. You may ask, “Another certification? Will that be confusing or overwhelming for customers?” …