Tag: <span>hudson river</span>

Creating an Accessible Hudson River through Place-Based Education

I’m in a classroom giving a lesson on the ecology of the Hudson River. As I always do, I start the class by asking the students: “How many of you have been down to the River?” And as usual, only about half the students raise their hands. I don’t probe …

The Murky Ethics and Complicated Environmental Claims of Big Hydro

As ongoing global reliance on fossil fuels continues to accelerate climate change, urgency and interest in transitioning to renewable energy sources is  increasing. A 2019 survey from the Pew Research Center found that most Americans believe the United States should prioritize expanding renewable energy sources over the continued use of …

Howdy, Partner: Celebrating the Human Connection of Conservation

  My internship with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) at the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve (the Reserve, or HRNERR), partnered with Americorps and the Student Conservation Association (SCA), came to a close earlier this year.   It was a treat to further plug into the …

Searching and Researching Down By the Riverside

There is a tendency for estuarine environments–where the river meets the sea–to hold a “nutrient trap” along the stark gradient between the estuary’s upper flow of freshwater and the lower, more dense “salt wedge” of seawater.  This middle portion of the water column tends to be the most ecologically productive–where …

The Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries

Hi Everyone! Hope you’re all enjoying your summers interning! I started my internship just under a month ago so it is time to start blogging! I am working at the Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries (“the Beacon Institute” or “the Institute”) as an Independent Policy Intern.  What that means …