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You Are What Your Seafood Eats
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A lecture byRoxanne KarimiCandidate for the science position in Environmental StudiesThe consumption of seafood functions as an important link between our environment and our health. Seafood consumption is increasing worldwide, and understanding the risks and benefits of eating different species of fish is critical for human health. Fish from both freshwater and marine environments are primary sources of nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids and essential trace metals, as well as contaminants, including mercury. This talk will examine how ecological factors influence nutrient and contaminant concentrations in aquatic organisms, and human health through fish consumption.

Location: RKC 102
Sponsor: Division of Science, Mathematics, and Computing
Contact: Felicia Keesing.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 845-752-2331

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