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Salt and Water Balance in Fishes: Endocrine Mechanisms of Environmental Adaptation
Thursday, October 4, 2018

The maintenance of salt and water balance is a critical requirement for life. The integrity of cells, tissues, and the macromolecules that carry on the business of life requires the maintenance of a narrow range of physical and chemical conditions. In turn, identifying how organisms regulate the movements of ions and water at the subcellular, cellular, and organismal levels represents an important and fundamental line of biological inquiry. Aquatic organisms, such as the one I will describe today, experience a formidable challenge in maintaining homeostasis in the presence of a strong, and sometimes fluctuating, osmotic gradient with the external environment. Accordingly, these organisms have evolved efficient mechanisms for detecting changes in osmotic conditions, which will in turn direct appropriate physiological responses.

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT/GMT-4
Location: Reem-Kayden Center Laszlo Z. Bito '60 Auditorium
Sponsor: Biology Program
Contact: Cathy Collins.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 845-752-2349

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