Nancy Kline Piore
Faculty, Language & Thinking Program
Nancy Piore writes under the name Nancy Kline. Her short stories, essays, translations, and reviews have appeared widely, most recently in Stone Canoe, Brooklyn Rail, Chelsea, and the Massachusetts Review. She has published six books, which include a novel (The Faithful); a critical study of the poetry of René Char (Lightning); an annotated translation of Claudine Herrmann’s feminist monograph, Les Voleuses de langue (The Tongue Snatchers); a collection of essays on the teaching of writing (How Writers Teach Writing, as editor and contributor); a biography of Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D. (A Doctor’s Triumph), and a new translation of Paul Eluard’s Capital of Pain (with Mary Ann Caws and Patricia Terry). She has won a National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Grant and First Prize in the Minnesota Review Fiction Contest. Her translation of Jules Laforgue’s “Perseus” (with Patricia Terry) will appear in Jules Laforgue’s Selected Poetry and Prose in spring 2009. She and Mary Ann Caws have just completed a forthcoming translation, which they co-edited, of René Char’s Furor and Mystery and Other Texts, which includes her memoir “Meeting René Char.” She is currently writing creative nonfiction and translating selected prose texts by Jules Supervielle. She reviews regularly for The New York Times Sunday Book Review. From 1989 through July 2007, she taught in the English and French departments at Barnard College, where she directed the Writing Program. She has also taught at Harvard, UCLA, the University of Massachusetts-Boston, and Wellesley.Contact:
Phone: 845-758-7431Email: