1. Clear Process for Requesting Accommodations
List the contact for requesting disability-related accommodations on all advertisements, and include a date by which requests need to be made.
Sample script when advertising your event:
Bard is committed to making every effort to provide reasonable accommodations for accessibility needs. For accommodation requests or for more information about this event, please contact ______________ at [email protected] or 845-758-xxxx.
If someone asks for an accommodation that is not available or is unclear, determine if another accommodation may work through outreach to the person who made the request.
Please note, the College is required to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services for those who are deaf or hard of hearing at events hosted at its facilities.
2. Event Location
Optional Best Practices. Prior to booking a location for the event please consider the following potential limitations.
Physical Accessibility Considerations:
- Is the location physically accessible to those with mobility impairments, mobility aids, chronic illness, or physical disabilities (accessible parking, ramps/elevators, wide doorways and aisles)?
- Are there accessible bathrooms?
- Is there clear signage toward accessible entrances, elevators, and bathrooms?
- Is there adequate lighting in the venue, especially for where an interpreter would be located?
- If there is a projector, is it visible to all participants?
- Are presentation materials in a clear and easy-to-read font size with good contrast so those in the back can see? (See Guideline to Creating Accessible Powerpoint Presentations)
- Can presentation materials be provided in a digital format?
- Are there microphones for both the presenters and participants?
- Is there seating available close to the presenter?
- Is background noise as minimal as possible?
3. Presenters
Specifically, ask that presenters:
- Forward materials in advance to be shared with those who need accessible formatted materials;
- Verbally describe visual materials;
- Activate captions on videos used;
- Encourage hourly breaks, if possible;
- Always use a microphone;
- Have hard copies in enlarged format;
4. Planners
Event planners should:
- Respond to accommodation requests in a timely manner;
- Ensure captions and other technology are working, such as microphones;
- Ensure microphones are available for the presenter(s) and audience members to ask questions;
- Repeat audience member questions prior to presenters answering; and
- Ensure presentation materials are in multiple accessible formats
5. Food
Event planners should:
- Ask attendees in advance for dietary restrictions and allergen information. If someone indicates an airborne, anaphylactic allergy to a food, avoid that food if at all possible.
- Clearly indicate allergens (gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, nut-free, dairy-free, etc.).
- Ensure that any buffets are accessible by asking the following questions:
- Is food at a level that can be accessed by wheelchair users?
- Is there enough space between and around tables to allow access?
- Are staff available if someone needs assistance?
6. Translation and Interpretation
American Sign Language Interpreting (ASL)
As noted above, the College is required to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services for those who are deaf or hard of hearing at events hosted at its facilities.
If required, CART and ASL can take a few weeks to coordinate; both CART and ASL require presentation materials approximately a week in advance for preparation needs. CART requires audio and video arrangement that can be complex and generally involves Bard AV, the CART company, and presenter integration. ASL interpreters should be in a visible, well-lit, direct-line-of-vision position in relation to the presenter.
Advance notice is necessary for coordination; it may not be possible to fulfill late requests. Include a deadline to request accommodations, if possible.
7. Online Meetings/Events Considerations
Event planners and/or presenters should:
- Enable captions;
- Verbally describe anything written on a whiteboard or images with important content;
- For participants who are blind or have low vision, provide a verbal description of presenter;
- Begin making arrangements for CART or ASL early if needed.
- Enable the feature to mute participants upon entry (for larger meetings/events);
- Inform participants how to ask questions at the beginning of the presentation (raise virtual hand, utilize chat features);
- Designate someone to manage admittance of attendees and field questions for the presenter;
- Any links or resources given to participants in the chat should also be emailed to them.