/* Supersized - Fullscreen Background jQuery Plugin Version 3.1.3 Core www.buildinternet.com/project/supersized By Sam Dunn / One Mighty Roar (www.onemightyroar.com) Released under MIT License / GPL License */ (function($) { $.supersized = function( options ) { //Add in Supersized elements $(document).ready(function() { $('body').prepend('
'); }); //Default settings var settings = { start_slide : 1, //Start slide (0 is random) //Requires multiple background images vertical_center : 1, //Vertically center background horizontal_center : 1, //Horizontally center background min_width : 0, //Min width allowed (in pixels) min_height : 0, //Min height allowed (in pixels) fit_portrait : 0, //Portrait images will not exceed browser height fit_landscape : 0, //Landscape images will not exceed browser width image_protect : 1, //Disables image dragging and right click with Javascript cycle : false //Enable the Cycle Plugin to run the slideshow }; var element = $('#supersized'); //Define element for Supersized // Combine options with default settings if (options) { var options = $.extend(settings, options); //Pull from both defaults and supplied options } else { var options = $.extend(settings); //Only pull from default settings } //Determine starting slide (random or defined) if (options.start_slide && options.slides != undefined ) { var currentSlide = options.start_slide - 1; //Default to defined start slide } else if (options.slides != undefined) { var currentSlide = Math.floor(Math.random()*options.slides.length); //Generate random slide number } /***Load initial set of images***/ if (options.slides != undefined) { // $("").attr("src", options.slides[currentSlide].image).appendTo(element); var slide_i = 0; if (options.slides.length > 1) { for(var slide_i=0; slide_i 0) { $("").attr({"src":options.slides[slide_i].image, "id":"supersized-"+slide_i, "class":"supersized-"+slide_i }).appendTo(element).hide(); } else { // active slide on start $("").attr({"src":options.slides[slide_i].image, "id":"supersized-"+slide_i, "class":"supersized-"+slide_i }).appendTo(element).hide(); } } } else { $("").attr({"src":options.slides[0].image, "id":"supersized-"+slide_i}).appendTo(element).hide(); } } /***End load initial images***/ //Account for loading in IE $(document).ready(function() { resizenow(); }); //Display image once page has loaded $(window).load(function() { $('#supersized-loader').remove(); //Hide loading animation // element.children('img#supersized-0').fadeIn('fast'); //Fade in background resizenow(); if( options.cycle == true ) { var cycle_started = false; element.each(function(index) { $(this).cycle({ fx: 'fade', // scrollHorz timeout: 6000, speed: 400, prev: '.slideshow-prev', next: '.slideshow-next', before: function(curr, next, opts, fwd) { var slide = $(next).attr('id'); console.log(slide); if( cycle_started == true) { $(".slideshow-prev.active").removeClass('active').fadeOut('fast', function() { $("#slideshow-prev-"+slide).fadeIn('fast', function() { }).addClass('active'); }); $(".slideshow-next.active").removeClass('active').fadeOut('fast', function() { $("#slideshow-next-"+slide).fadeIn('fast', function() { }).addClass('active'); }); $(".slideshow-caption.active").removeClass('active').fadeOut('fast', function() { $("#"+slide+"-caption").fadeIn('fast', function() { }).addClass('active'); }); $(".slideshow-credit.active").removeClass('active').fadeOut('fast', function() { $("#"+slide+"-credit").fadeIn('fast', function() { }).addClass('active'); }); } else { cycle_started = true; } }, after: function(curr, next, opts, fwd) { resizenow(); }, cleartype: true, // IE fills the slide containers with a white background, and this will knock that out cleartypeNoBg: true }).fadeIn('fast').cycle('pause'); }); $('.slideshow-prev, .slideshow-next').click(function(event) { resizenow(); element.cycle('pause'); }); } else { element.children('img#supersized-0').fadeIn('fast'); //Fade in background } }); //Adjust image when browser is resized $(window).resize(function(){ resizenow(); }); //Adjust image size function resizenow() { return element.each(function() { var t = $('img', element); //Resize each image seperately $(t).each(function(){ var ratio = ($(this).height()/$(this).width()).toFixed(2); //Define image ratio thisSlide = $(this); //Gather browser size var browserwidth = $(window).width(); var browserheight = $(window).height(); var offset; /**Resize image to proper ratio**/ if ((browserheight <= options.min_height) && (browserwidth <= options.min_width)){ //If window smaller than minimum width and height if ((browserheight/browserwidth) > ratio){ options.fit_landscape && ratio <= 1 ? resizeWidth(true) : resizeHeight(true); //If landscapes are set to fit } else { options.fit_portrait && ratio > 1 ? resizeHeight(true) : resizeWidth(true); //If portraits are set to fit } } else if (browserwidth <= options.min_width){ //If window only smaller than minimum width if ((browserheight/browserwidth) > ratio){ options.fit_landscape && ratio <= 1 ? resizeWidth(true) : resizeHeight(); //If landscapes are set to fit } else { options.fit_portrait && ratio > 1 ? resizeHeight() : resizeWidth(true); //If portraits are set to fit } } else if (browserheight <= options.min_height){ //If window only smaller than minimum height if ((browserheight/browserwidth) > ratio){ options.fit_landscape && ratio <= 1 ? resizeWidth() : resizeHeight(true); //If landscapes are set to fit } else { options.fit_portrait && ratio > 1 ? resizeHeight(true) : resizeWidth(); //If portraits are set to fit } } else { //If larger than minimums if ((browserheight/browserwidth) > ratio){ options.fit_landscape && ratio <= 1 ? resizeWidth() : resizeHeight(); //If landscapes are set to fit } else { options.fit_portrait && ratio > 1 ? resizeHeight() : resizeWidth(); //If portraits are set to fit } } /**End Image Resize**/ /**Resize Functions**/ function resizeWidth(minimum) { if (minimum){ //If minimum height needs to be considered if(thisSlide.width() < browserwidth || thisSlide.width() < options.min_width ){ if (thisSlide.width() * ratio >= options.min_height){ thisSlide.width(options.min_width); thisSlide.height(thisSlide.width() * ratio); }else{ resizeHeight(); } } }else{ if (options.min_height >= browserheight && !options.fit_landscape){ //If minimum height needs to be considered if (browserwidth * ratio >= options.min_height || (browserwidth * ratio >= options.min_height && ratio <= 1)){ //If resizing would push below minimum height or image is a landscape thisSlide.width(browserwidth); thisSlide.height(browserwidth * ratio); } else if (ratio > 1){ //Else the image is portrait thisSlide.height(options.min_height); thisSlide.width(thisSlide.height() / ratio); } else if (thisSlide.width() < browserwidth) { thisSlide.width(browserwidth); thisSlide.height(thisSlide.width() * ratio); } }else{ //Otherwise, resize as normal thisSlide.width(browserwidth); thisSlide.height(browserwidth * ratio); } } }; function resizeHeight(minimum){ if (minimum){ //If minimum height needs to be considered if(thisSlide.height() < browserheight){ if (thisSlide.height() / ratio >= options.min_width){ thisSlide.height(options.min_height); thisSlide.width(thisSlide.height() / ratio); }else{ resizeWidth(true); } } }else{ //Otherwise, resized as normal if (options.min_width >= browserwidth){ //If minimum width needs to be considered if (browserheight / ratio >= options.min_width || ratio > 1){ //If resizing would push below minimum width or image is a portrait thisSlide.height(browserheight); thisSlide.width(browserheight / ratio); } else if (ratio <= 1){ //Else the image is landscape thisSlide.width(options.min_width); thisSlide.height(thisSlide.width() * ratio); } }else{ //Otherwise, resize as normal thisSlide.height(browserheight); thisSlide.width(browserheight / ratio); } } }; /**End Resize Functions**/ //Horizontally Center if (options.horizontal_center) { $(this).css('margin-left', ((element.width() - $(this).width())/2)+'px'); } //Vertically Center if (options.vertical_center){ $(this).css('margin-top', ((element.height() - $(this).height())/2)+'px'); } }); //Basic image drag and right click protection if (options.image_protect){ $('img', element).bind("contextmenu",function(){ return false; }); $('img', element).bind("mousedown",function(){ return false; }); } return false; }); }; }; //End Supersized })(jQuery);