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Jan 31 / BARD CEP

Alumni Internship: International Union for the Conservation of Nature – Washington, DC

*If you want more information about this BCEP graduate’s internship experience or want to get in touch with a student/alum, please contact Caroline Ramaley at [email protected].

Organization: International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Global Gender Office

Location: Washington, DC

Student Name and Class Year:  Mary Gilligan, 2015

Organization description: IUCN’s Global Gender Office enjoys worldwide recognition for the extensive work it has carried out over the past 12 years addressing gender equality issues within the environmental sector.

Experience includes the development of sector-specific gender tools, gender-mainstreaming efforts with a variety of global forums including the CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity), UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), CSD (United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development), CSW (Commission on the Status of Women) and World Water Forum, along with the establishment of gender entities in environmental ministries throughout Central America. IUCN has provided support to UNEP and the CBD to develop gender action plans.

In the past five years, the IUCN Global Senior Gender Adviser has been conducting a series of activities to ensure that gender considerations are fully integrated in climate change and biodiversity policies. Part of her work has been the creation and consolidation of the GGCA (Global Gender and Climate Alliance), training to delegates from all around the world to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), building capacity at the governmental and nongovernmental institutions together with the development of various manuals as well as articles dealing with the topic.

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