Bard’s Henri VIII Among New York Times Best Classical Performances of 2023
Bass-baritone Alfred Walker sang the title role in Saint-Saëns’s Henri Vlll, directed by Jean-Romain Vesperini, at Bard SummerScape. Photo by Stephanie Berger
The Bard SummerScape production of Henri VIII was selected as one of the year’s finest classical music performances for this New York Times roundup. “Leon Botstein, the president of Bard College and music director of the American Symphony Orchestra, is one of the country’s leading champions of lesser-played segments of the repertory,” write Zachary Woolfe and Joshua Barone. “In 2012, he led a concert performance of this grand yet restrained Saint-Saëns opera, popular in its day and now rare. But in July, a full production at Bard, lovingly staged by Jean-Romain Vesperini, made an even better case for the opera, at a time when ever fewer companies and presenters, even in a cultural center like New York, are doing ambitious work like this.”
See the Best Classical Music Performances of 2023 from the New York Times
Read the New York Times review of Henri VIII
Post Date: 12-05-2023
See the Best Classical Music Performances of 2023 from the New York Times
Read the New York Times review of Henri VIII
Post Date: 12-05-2023