Institute for Writing and Thinking Presents
Curriculum Conversation
9:30 am EDT/GMT-4
IWT Curriculum Conversations foster innovative approaches to the teaching and reading of texts that contribute to our contemporary sense of an evolving American self. Using writing-to-learn strategies, the day’s workshops will encourage participants to consider several important questions: How does the novel’s use of varieties of diction—Spanglish, academic English, gaming jargon—tell us something new about how history is, or might be, written? How does nerd culture cross the boundaries of immigrant and exile cultures? And how might we situate Díaz’s stylistically- and structurally-innovative novel in relation to other classics of multicultural literature?
Writing-to-learn practices are the starting point for a rigorous reading of the text through the lens of contemporary and historical nonfiction, fiction, and poetry.
This series of one-day workshop for teachers of all subjects will:
- Explore how unexpected pairings of a variety of genres, including poetry, drama, and essay, with a major key text of the curriculum reorients and reinvigorates our reading of the text
- Offer specific, take-away writing strategies for teaching the text next to historical, economic, and sociological documents—including primary documents—enabling truly cross-disciplinary collaboration with colleagues
- Provide an opportunity for participants to share their current curricula with each other and engage in cross-disciplinary planning with a team of teachers from their own or other schools.
Workshop fee: $250 (includes morning coffee, lunch, and anthology of related readings)
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Time: 9:30 am EDT/GMT-4
Location: Olin Humanities and Olin Language Center