Bard Globalization & International Affairs Program Presents
"Erdogan Leans East:
Is Turkey's Democracy Slipping Away?"
Presented by The James Clarke Chace Memorial Speaker Series
6:15 pm EDT/GMT-4
Pinar Kemerli, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Studies, Bard College; former Lecturer at Bogaziçi University.
Cenk Sidar, Founder and Managing Director, Sidar GlobalAdvisors; foreign policy and economic advisor to the Republican People’s Party (CHP), the main opposition party in Turkey’s Grand National Assembly; frequent contributor to various outlets including Hurriyet Daily News, Radikal and Reflections Turkey.
Respondent and Moderator:
Nesrin Ersoy McMeekin, Lecturer in Social Studies, Bard College; former Lecturer in History, Koc University; and author of Turkey and the Bolsheviks: Relations between Kemalist Turkey and Bolshevik Russia during the Turkish War of Independence (1919-1922).
The James Clarke Chace Memorial Speaker Series is cosponsored by Foreign Affairs. It is free and open to the public by RSVP.
For more information, call 845-758-6822, e-mail [email protected],
or visit
Time: 6:15 pm EDT/GMT-4
Location: BGIA (NYC)