Bard MBA in Sustainability and Bard Center for Environmental Policy Present
Hudson Valley Food + Policy Initiative Keynote: Michael Rozyne - Making Food (and Agriculture) Better: What Difference Can Bard Make?
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Bard College Campus
7:30 pm EDT/GMT-4
Micheal Rozyne, cofounder of Equal Exchange and executive director of Red Tomato, will focus on the challenges to building a local, sustainable food economy and the role that young people can play in changing the future of agriculture. Rozyne’s company, Red Tomato, connects farmers and consumers through marketing, trade, and education, and through a passionate belief that a family-farm, locally based, ecological, fair trade food system is the way to a better tomato.7:30 pm EDT/GMT-4
Download: RozyneKeynote3_12_15.pdf
For more information, call 845-758-6822.
Time: 7:30 pm EDT/GMT-4
Location: Bard College Campus