Center for Civic Engagement Presents
Public Debate: Should Hate Speech Be Criminalized?
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Campus Center, Weis Cinema
7:00 pm EST/GMT-5
Should there be limits to the freedom of speech? Or should the freedom of speech be defended and protected at all costs, even when speech becomes violent, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.? Would a limitation on the freedom of speech necessarily be unconstitutional? Should hate speech be criminalized?7:00 pm EST/GMT-5
Please join us for a public debate in response to recent events all over the world that necessitate such a discussion.
Resolved: hate speech should be criminalized.
Sponsored by the Bard Debate Union and the Center for Civic Engagement.
For more information, call 845-752-4512, e-mail [email protected],
or visit
Time: 7:00 pm EST/GMT-5
Location: Campus Center, Weis Cinema