A Project of The Bard College Center
Radio Proust Rememberance of Things Past
Je suis Charlie

Academic Resources

Teaching Proust

Radio Proust's Executive Director talks about teaching Proust, in the blog
"Proust and Me," posted by the French Embassy in New York

The illustration is taken from Larry's reading of Proust in the ongoing series
by French conceptual artist Veronique Aubouy

Larry's contribution to "Proust lu" may be seen in its entirety at:
Website: http://vimeo.com/37460004

Proust and His World

Taught by Larry Bensky

Website: https://www.bard.edu/projects/radioproust/academics/bensky/

Lit 315: Proust: In Search of Lost Time

Taught by Eric Trudel, Bard College

This course will examine the complex nature of Proust's masterpiece, In Search of Lost Time, and, among other things, examine the ways by which it accounts for the temporality and new rhythms of modernity.
Website: https://www.bard.edu/projects/radioproust/academics/trudel/

New Proust Course Online

Taught by Distinguished Scholar and Proust Biographer William C. Carter.

Website: http://proust-ink.com/