Bard site 25, R. Tillotson

In 2005, Bard College proposed to expand its Village Dormitory complex on Annandale Road by adding six new dormitories. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) abuts the existing complex, built in 2000, where development was redesigned so as to move the proposed parking lot away from an historical site, the discovery of which was made during archaeological reconnaissance. The Site Evaluation Report for the Village Dorm expansion recommends avoidance of a prehistoric stone tool manufacturing debris concentration and seeks to minimize adverse impacts on an historical debris scatter.

About the Site

Based on mid-19th-century cartography, the site belonged to R. Tillotson, as part of his estate known as Miramonte, now the central third of the Bard campus. His mother was born into the illustrious colonial family. Robert Livingston Tillotson was Secretary of State for New York in 1816 and later US Attorney for NY.

Our Investigation

Prof Christopher Lindner directed several Bardians in the excavation. Cartographer Susan Winchell-Sweeney made the maps using GIS (Geographic Information Systems). Susan Hinkle Lindner directed the laboratory analysis and served as editor of the documentation. Matthew Kelley and Tanner Vea, both Bard '07, photographed the artifacts and constructed a web presentation as part of the permit compliance process.

Artifacts Exhibit

The R. Tillotson site exhibit accompanies the permit compliance report by Prof Lindner and includes subsequent research at the site and in the laboratory. The link below provides access to photographs of the artifacts along with descriptions and catalogue entries.