
The Student Lens : Bard through the Eyes of Three Student Photographers (Part 1)
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1. Esther Nordin ’70 and Liz Spar on campus, late 1960s. Photograph by Peter Aaron ’68.

2. Stone Row escape by Michael Leibovic ’68, late 1960s. Photograph by Peter Aaron ’68.

3. John Kisch ’76 and Brooks Parsons ’76, 1972. Kisch and Parsons are in their freshman-year room on the second floor of Tewksbury, with Brooks holding David G. Imber ’77’s cat, Bebe. Photograph by John Duke Kisch ’76.

4. Barbara Grossman ’73 and Agnes Domandi, ca. 1973. German Professor Domandi taught at Bard from 1966-1982. Photograph by Fred Greenspan ’75.

5. Chevy Chase ’68 and friend, ca. late 1960s. Photograph by Peter Aaron ’68.

6. “Casino Night” in Manor, 1974. Amy Kohn ’77 is seated during the Spring Formal in May 1974, with Dean Mary Sugatt looking on. Sugatt worked in different roles at Bard starting in 1960, and was dean of the College from 1972 until 1981. Photograph by Fred Greenspan ’75.

7. Pat Griffin ’76, ca. mid 1970s. Her son Keith is now a student at Bard. Photograph by John Duke Kisch ’76.
8. Neal Ewenstein ’74 and Susan Barich, ca. mid 1970s. Barich worked over the years as Bard’s assistant controller, controller, and business manager. She retired in 2005, after having worked at Bard for 60 years—reportedly never taking a single day off. Photograph by John Duke Kisch ’76.

9. A theatrical performance including Jeannette Caviness ’75 and an unknown woman, 1975. Seated in the audience are Professor Bill Driver and President Reamer Kline. Photograph by Fred Greenspan ’75.

10. Louise Link ’71, ca. late 1960s. Link stands in front of Blithewood—the “girls’ dorm” from the mid-50s through the late 80s. Photograph by Peter Aaron ’68.

11. Darkroom scene, 1975. Before Bard had a photography program, students formed the Bard Photographic Society and ran their own darkroom in the basement of Hegeman. John Duke Kisch ’76 and Donna Leibowitz ’75 work in this scene, with an unknown student in plaid. Photograph by Fred Greenspan ’75.
12. At the tennis courts, 1977. Charlie Patrick, director of physical education from 1959 through 1979, with Amy Kohn ’77. Photograph by Fred Greenspan ’75.

13. Commencement Weekend, 1975. Luis Marciscano ’75 and his mother at his graduation. She traveled to Annandale from Panama for the occasion. Photograph by John Duke Kisch ’76.
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