Author: <span>Karen Baumert</span>

Women Leaders in Federal Agencies: Their Challenges and Recommendations

Even in the twenty-first century, there is a gender gap in both the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math) and the U.S. government.  As a female government employee, graduate student in environmental policy, and an engineering degree holder, I have personally witnessed disparity in the representation of women in …

Learning the Human Dimension of the Workforce

Stepping away from my first ‘real’ job, I find myself asking, ‘did I use what I learned in undergraduate and graduate school?’  My answer is: ‘Yes, but I learned even more on the job.’ I’ve spent the past six months interning with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  The Corps …

Giving a Dam with the Army Corps of Engineers

“It is very odd that Nature should be so unscrupulous. She is no saint . . .”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803 – 1882 Nature does not discriminate. She does not care if you are a polluter or a tree hugger, if you live in a mansion or a shack on …