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Aug 6 / BARD CEP

Foundation for Sustainable Development–Nicaragua

Organization: Foundation for Sustainable Development

About FSD in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua Building on 15 years of international development experience, FSD works with community-led organizations in the Ciudad Sandino region to increase awareness of environmental issues while implementing sustainable alternatives to resource usage. As both the largest country in Central America and the least populated, Nicaragua has the opportunity to enforce environmental protection laws and conserve a relatively large amount of natural resources. However, a variety of forces are driving deforestation and rapidly increasing pollution. The conversion of forests to agricultural land (for commercial agriculture and cattle pastures) and substantial logging with little or no government regulation are having a severe environmental impact. In general, ecological concerns can be concentrated into four main areas: land rights, water access, deforestation, and pesticide use.
To help address these issues, FSD’s programs promote collaboration to enhance the capacity of individuals and organizations to address local environmental issues.

As an FSD Intern in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua, you will…

  • Work side-by-side with a Community-Based Organization specializing in one more of the following development sectors: health, youth and education, women’s empowerment, microfinance, human rights, community development and/or environmental issues
  • Receive intensive training in skills essential to sustainable development, such as: community asset mapping, needs assessments, collaborative project design, grant writing, and project monitoring and evaluation.
  • Gain grant writing and project management experience by practicing your new skills through the design and implementation of a community-driven development project in partnership with your host organization.
  • Access the FSD Alumni Network upon your return home to connect with like-minded individuals who help one another to reach their academic and professional goals through networking and regional events. FSD Alumni have won internationally renowned scholarships, studied at prestigious graduate schools, worked for prominent international development organizations, and have even started their own grassroots organizations.
    Recent Interns in Ciudad Sandino have…

    • Developed sustainable agriculture programs, such as the conservation and recovery of soil and water, use of natural insecticides, crop diversification, and reforestation efforts.
    • Trained youth on organic, sustainable farming practices by making use of school farms for project work and covering topics such as pollution and deforestation.
    • Implemented agricultural and building practices as well as income generating ventures that are eco-friendly, and sustainable like eco-tourism.
    • Provide farmers with microcredit opportunities and training on how to efficiently apply funds to the growth of their operations.About FSD
      Founded in 1995, the Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) supports the efforts of more than 300 grassroots, community-based partner organizations throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America. FSD’s programs provide our overseas partners with multi-faceted support that relies on active community participation to mobilize lasting solutions. FSD programs include:

      • Capacity Building: on-site training and networking opportunities led by local staff
      • Interns and Volunteers: provide local organizations with the human resources they need to design and implement long-term initiatives
      • Grantmaking: funding for sustainable projects
      • Engaged Philanthropy: opportunities for donors to increase their engagement in the projects they support


Applications are available at Late applications will be placed on a wait list and accepted on a case by case basis.

All of FSD’s Latin America programs require Spanish proficiency at a conversational level. FSD will work with you to determine your level of ability and can provide informational on educational resources to pursue before your departure.

Interested in future programs?
We have sessions starting year around
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Call us at 415.283.4873, ext. 14
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