Tag: <span>100-year flood</span>

Does Resilience Include Retreat? Semantics of Climate Change for Coastal Communities

You’ve probably heard that climate change causes the oceans to rise. And maybe you’ve heard the follow-up statistic, which is that shorelines are rising 1 inch every 7-8 years. To most people this doesn’t seem like much, but this seemingly small figure translates to thousands of miles of coastlines being …

Decoding the Language of the Flood: how terminology influences flood-risk perception

    It’s 2011 and we’re in Binghamton, New York. People here are mostly recovered from the massive flood of 2006 that displaced 20,000 people.  Foundations have been repaired, carpets replaced, and homes rebuilt.  Finally, people are feeling secure again. After all, the flood of 2006 was what’s known as …