Tag: <span>methane</span>

Nature’s Climate Cache-22: The Paradox of Burning Permafrost

What is Permafrost? Permafrost zones are patches of ice which remain continuously frozen over for several years.  Permafrost has an active layer that was once part of the frozen layer and has begun to thaw. These patches of frost have been recently thawing faster due to global warming and increased …

The Murky Ethics and Complicated Environmental Claims of Big Hydro

As ongoing global reliance on fossil fuels continues to accelerate climate change, urgency and interest in transitioning to renewable energy sources is  increasing. A 2019 survey from the Pew Research Center found that most Americans believe the United States should prioritize expanding renewable energy sources over the continued use of …

Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire: Influence of Arctic Tundra Fire on Methane Dynamics

Putting Theory into Practice The Arctic is the fastest-warming place on Earth. It’s one thing to learn about rapid climate change as a Bard CEP Climate Science and Policy graduate student from textbooks and classroom discussions. It’s a wholly more impactful experience to directly contribute toward advancing our scientific understanding …

When Renewable Energy isn’t ‘Green’: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Hydroelectric Reservoirs

By Kale Roberts, M.S. in Climate Science and Policy 2016 Hydropower is often considered a clean energy source, free of climate-warming carbon dioxide emissions. But although dams have been demonized for disrupting fish migrations and flooding valleys inhabited by families for generations, this so-called renewable form of energy has largely …

Melting Arctic ice and methane gas bubbles: Is this the final countdown to global warming?

Melting Arctic Ice and Methane Gas Bubbles: Is this the final countdown to global warming? By: Shelly John and Meredith Murray   This week on National Climate Seminar (NCS) at Bard Center for Environmental Policy, we spoke with David Archer, a professor at the University of Chicago in the Department …

Natural Gas: Not So Fracking Clean

Natural Gas: Not So Fracking Clean By  Jessica Schug MS ’15, Judson Peck MS ’15, Violeta Borilova Mezeklieva MS ’15 Natural gas is promoted as a clean energy alternative to fossil fuel, providing energy that will reduce both global warming and the United State’s dependence on foreign oil. After being approached by …