Tag: <span>United States</span>

The Murky Ethics and Complicated Environmental Claims of Big Hydro

As ongoing global reliance on fossil fuels continues to accelerate climate change, urgency and interest in transitioning to renewable energy sources is  increasing. A 2019 survey from the Pew Research Center found that most Americans believe the United States should prioritize expanding renewable energy sources over the continued use of …

Searching and Researching Down By the Riverside

There is a tendency for estuarine environments–where the river meets the sea–to hold a “nutrient trap” along the stark gradient between the estuary’s upper flow of freshwater and the lower, more dense “salt wedge” of seawater.  This middle portion of the water column tends to be the most ecologically productive–where …

Not Under My Back Yard (NUMBY): Do You Really Own Your Property?

For the past several decades the US has pursued policies that promote energy independence and both energy and national security. As part of this pursuit, high volume hydraulic fracturing (fracking) technologies were first developed in the late 1940s by Halliburton, and its technological advances after the 1970s have rapidly increased oil …