COVID-19 Updates
MFA Program Policy: Masks are required for all school academic events.
Because of the communal nature of our program, we are requiring masks for large, indoor academic activities such as student, visiting artist, and seminar presentations. This policy is in addition to the college policy below.
For the latest updates regarding Bard College’s Response to Covid-19 please refer to: BARD COLLEGE COVID-19 RESPONSE
The Bard College campus in Annandale is now open to the community. Bard College performances, exhibitions, and academic events are also open.
We expect all visitors on campus to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Prospective visitors who are unvaccinated may visit campus facilities, providing they test negative for COVID within 24 hours before coming to campus. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms should refrain from coming to campus.
Bard College is a “mask-friendly” campus. With this policy, we have lifted the indoor mask mandate, but encourage anyone who wishes to wear a mask to do so.