David Ungvary
Assistant Professor of Classics
Primary Academic Program: Classical Studies
Academic Program Affiliation(s): Foreign Languages, Cultures, and Literatures, Literature, Medieval Studies
AB, Duke University; MSt, University of Oxford; PhD candidate, Harvard University. At Harvard, Professor Ungvary taught classes in Virgil’s poetry and its reception, beginning Greek and Latin, and Late Antique and medieval Latin prose selections. His dissertation, in Medieval Latin, is titled “Verse and Conversion: Poetry, Christianity, and the Transformation of the Roman World, 400–700 AD.” He is the author of “The Voice of the Dead King Chindasuinth: Poetry, Politics, and the Discourse of Penance in Visigothic Spain,” Early Medieval Europe (forthcoming); and “A Letter from Bishop Alexios Celadenos to Pope Julius II (Latin translation), in collaboration with Professor Robert Nelson, Yale University (forthcoming). He has made presentations at the University of Vienna, University of Oxford, Society for Classics Studies Annual Meeting, Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting, Dumbarton Oaks, and Villanova University, among others. He has a reading knowledge of ancient Greek, Latin (classical and medieval), German, French, Spanish, and Italian; and speaks German and Spanish. At Bard since 2018.Email: