Bard by the Numbers
Our Students
Class of 2027
Bard College’s Class of 2027 was selected from a large and competitive applicant pool, indicating their extraordinary promise. They are a high-achieving group, with wide-ranging interests and varied backgrounds. Our first-year students come to Annandale-on-Hudson from 38 states and 26 countries, bringing with them their passion, creativity, and intellectual engagement.
Who Is the Class of 2027?
Academic Snapshot: Time and Credits at Bard
The academic year is divided into two 15-week semesters.
Most classes are 4 semester hours of academic credit.
128 credits are required for the bachelor's degree.
The average semester course load is 16 credits.
About Campus: Rachel Explores Ward Manor
Rachel is a Bard College student in the Psychology Program. She visits one of the landmarks of Bard's campus: Ward Manor, often called simply "Manor." The porch behind Manor is a prime spot to study, enjoy a meal from the Manor Cafe, or connect with friends. The porch boasts a view of the iconic Stargon sculpture (affectionately called "The Bunny Ears"), the Bard Farm, and the Catskill Mountains in the background.
Why I Chose Bard
Why choose Bard College? The unique and rigorous curriculum, stunning campus, and close relationships with faculty are a few of the reasons our students decided to make Bard their home. Hear them talk about what drew them to the college in the beginning and the scholarly, creative community they've found on campus since.
Student News
Bard student Mahlia Slaiby ’27 has been recruited to Lebanon’s Futsal National women’s soccer team. Slaiby will join Lebanon’s team as a defender and will accompany them to the qualifying match for the FIFA Futsal Womens’ Cup in May 2025.
Bard High School Early College (BHSEC) celebrated the opening of its new Brooklyn campus with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Located in the Brownsville/East New York neighborhood of Brooklyn, BHSEC Brooklyn is Bard’s fourth early college campus in partnership with New York City Public Schools and its 10th early college campus nationwide.
Bard College welcomes two first-year students to its Annandale-on-Hudson campus as part of the inaugural cohort of sponsored refugee students in the US Department of State’s Welcome Corps on Campus program. The Welcome Corps announced the arrival of more than 30 refugee students enrolled at 17 colleges and universities across the United States representing the inaugural “class” of Welcome Corps on Campus, the first-of-its-kind program empowering US higher education institutions to welcome refugee students through the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).
Life After Bard
Bardians Are Everywhere
Whether working in Annandale or Berlin, in sustainable agriculture or in a tech startup, Bard alumni/ae make a difference. Bardians are changing the way the world works, taking Bard's commitment to innovation and engagement worldwide. Being a Bardian means having an impact, wherever you may be and whatever type of work you're called to do. Look for members of the Bard community. You'll find us in your favorite films, your most ambitious business ventures, and your most innovative educational institutions.
Staying Connected After Graduation
Bardians take great pride in their alma mater and support Bard in any way they can, whether by recommending new students, making a gift to the College, or offering professional mentoring to current students and young alums. There are lots of ways to stay connected to Bard after graduation:
Career Development On Campus and Beyond
Bard supports students' professional development during their years in Annandale and after graduation. The Career Development Office offers a range of internship and job resources, and hosts events that connect students with various professions, alumni/ae, and employers. Bard Works is an intensive, weeklong program for juniors and seniors at Bard College that prepares them for work after graduation. The Center for Civic Engagement helps students secure internships, find service-learning opportunities, and design their own projects.