There are no serious or unusual health risks associated with travel to Palestine. Although not mandatory, it is a good idea to be up to date on basic vaccinations. Modern hospitals and medical facilities are readily available to students in the event of a medical emergency. Students will have access to clinics offering regular medical services. For an overview of potential health concerns and how to prepare for them in advance of the program, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
Living at Al-Quds Bard
Students will find their day-to-day experience living in Palestine to be quite different from the image often painted by the international news media. While the overall political situation remains fluid and at times tense, the reality is that daily routines are not regularly impacted. Students are advised to stay aware of the political pulse of the region; are required by the program to avoid protests, demonstrations, and restricted areas; and must adhere to the frequent guidance and guidelines provided by program staff.
GeoBlue Worldwide Health Insurance
Students on Bard Abroad programs have access to medical, security, and travel-related services through GeoBlue. GeoBlue provides a searchable database for doctors and facilities in the GeoBlue-contracted community.