Tatjana Myoko von Prittwitz und Gaffron
Artist and Scholar in Residence; Buddhist Chaplain; Special Projects Adviser
Primary Academic Program: Studio Arts
Academic Program Affiliation(s): German Studies
Academic Expertise: Multidisciplinary Studies
Area of Specialization: Interdisciplinary Studies
B.A., University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany; M.A., Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College; Ph.D., University of Saarland. Essays in many exhibition catalogues, journals and newspapers, with research particularly focusing on Joseph Beuys. Monograph on the main art critic of Beuys: "Kreativit ät als allgemeines Menschenrecht!" Georg Jappe. Formen angewandter Ästhetik ["Creativity as a human right!" Georg Jappe. Forms of applied aesthetics]. Curatorial Researcher, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College (1999-2008): Establishment, development, and organization of a collection of archives on the history of exhibition since 1960. Has curated exhibitions of contemporary art, was an art guide at Art Basel Miami Beach and worked in various German and French interdisciplinary festivals. Visiting Assistant Professor in First-Year Seminar since 2009. Student of Zen Buddhism since 1998, with training also in Japan. Buddhist Chaplain (2013- ). At Bard since 1999.Interests:
- Research Interests: Joseph Beuys; Zen Buddhism and the Zen arts (haiku, sumi-e); Contemporay art since 1960; German poetry
- Teaching Interests: Zen Buddhism; First Year Seminar - focus on writing; German; The six senses
- Other Interests: artist books; travel journals and reports; (experimental) singing
2012 — Contribution- "'Do you want a revolution without laughter?' Joseph Beuys, a humorous Zen master," presentation at conference Deadly Serious Art: Strategies of humor as critique, Graduate Center, City of University of New York, March 2012 - The Zen of Contemplation, group exhibition, Washington Art Association, May-June 2012: exhibition of artist books and sound composition
Phone: 845-752-4619Email:
Departments: Chaplaincy,President's Office
Location: Fairbairn
Office: 201