Michael Tibbetts
Professor of Biology
Academic Program Affiliation(s): Biology, Global Public Health, Mind, Brain, and Behavior
Academic Expertise: Biology
Area of Specialization: Genetics and Molecular/Cellular Biology
BS, Southeastern Massachusetts University; PhD, Wesleyan University. Teaching assistant, Peterson Fellowship, Wesleyan University. Adjunct lecturer, postdoctoral fellow, University of Michigan. Recipient, National Science Foundation grant (2008), to study transmission of anaplasmosis from ticks to people. Member of Sigma Xi, Genetics Society of America, American Society of Microbiology. Professional interests: cellular events that lead to appropriate spatial organization of subcellular material. Faculty, The Master of Arts in Teaching Program. At Bard since 1992.Interests:
- Research Interests: Neuroscience of hearing; cancer chemotherapeutics; tickborne infectious diseases
- Teaching Interests: Genetics; cell biology; cancer
- Other Interests: Bioethics; genetics and human origins
Phone: 845-752-2309Website: http://biology.bard.edu/faculty-and-staff
Location: Reem-Kayden Center
Office: 212