Dimitri B. Papadimitriou
President, Levy Economics Institute; Jerome Levy Professor of Economics; Executive Vice President Emeritus, Bard College
Academic Program Affiliation(s): Economics, Economics and Finance
B.A., Columbia University; M.A., Ph.D., Graduate Faculty of the New School University, Department of Economics. Minister of Economy and Development, Hellenic Republic (2016–18). Visiting Distinguished Scholar, Institute of World Economy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (2002). Visiting scholar, Center for Economic Planning and Research, Athens; Wye Fellow, Aspen Institute (1985); Center for Advanced Economic Studies Fellowship (1983, 1986); Whittemore Fellowship (1968); Anglo-American Hellenic Fellowship (1968, 1969). Consultant, Greek Ministry of Education (2002–05); board of directors, William Penn Life Insurance Company (1972–2010); vice chairman, Trade Deficit Review Commission, U.S. Congress (1999–2001); member, Capital Allocation Subcouncil of the Competitiveness Policy Council (1993–98). Trustee and chairman, American Symphony Orchestra; advisory board member, Women’s World Banking; fellow, Economists for Peace and Security; member, Economic Club of New York, The Bretton Woods Committee, American Economic Association, American Finance Association, Association for Evolutionary Economics, Royal Economic Society (UK), Eastern Economic Association, European Economic Association, and Hellenic-American Bankers Association.Articles in International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, The Milken Institute Review, Analyst, Journal of Applied Business Research, Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy, Eastern Economic Review, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, Working USA, Journal of Economic Issues, Review of Political Economy, The Economic Journal, Challenge, Chicago Tribune, Financial Times, New York Times, European Journal of Political Economy. Editor and contributor, Financial Conditions and Macroeconomic Performance: Essays in Honor of Hyman P. Minsky, with Steven M. Fazzari (1992); Profits, Deficits, and Instability (1992); Poverty and Prosperity in the U.S.A. in the Late Twentieth Century, with Edward N. Wolff (1993); Aspects of the Distribution of Wealth and Income (1994); Stability in the Financial System (1996); Modernizing Financial Systems (2000); Hyman P. Minsky’s Induced Investment and Business Cycles (2004); The Distributional Effects of Government Spending and Taxation (2006); Government Spending on the Elderly (2007); Hyman P. Minsky’s John Maynard Keynes and Stabilizing an Unstable Economy, with L. Randall Wray (2008); The Elgar Companion to Hyman Minsky, with Wray (2010); Contributions in Stock-flow Modeling: Essays in Honor of Wynne Godley, with Gennaro Zezza (2012); Contributions to Economic Theory, Policy, Development and Finance: Essays in Honor of Jan A. Kregel (2014); and The Collected Economic Papers of Hyman P. Minsky (forthcoming). Author, Levy Institute Strategic Analysis reports; the Public Policy Briefs Community Development Banking and A Path to Community Development, with Ronnie J. Phillips and Wray; An Alternative in Small Business Finance, Targeting Inflation: The Effects of Monetary Policy on the CPI and Its Housing Component, Does Social Security Need Saving? and Fiddling in Euroland as the Global Meltdown Nears, with Wray; Endgame for the Euro, with Wray and Yeva Nersisyan; Monetary Policy Uncovered, Understanding Deflation: Treating the Disease, Not the Symptoms and Cracks in the Foundations of Growth, with Greg Hannsgen and Zezza; The New New Deal Fracas, Debts, Deficits, Economic Recovery, and the U.S. Government, Will the Recovery Continue: Four Fragile Markets, Four Years Later, Fiscal Traps and Macro Policy after the Eurozone Crisis, with Hannsgen; and After Austerity: Measuring the Impact of a Job Guarantee Policy for Greece, with Rania Antonopoulos, Sofia Adam, Kijong Kim, and Thomas Masterson; and the Policy Notes Fiscal Stimulus, Job Creation, and the Economy: What Are the Lessons of the New Deal, with Hannsgen; Fiscal Policy for the Coming Recession, Are We All Keynesians (Again)?, The April AMT Shock, Time to Bail Out: Alternatives to the Bush-Paulson Plan, and Euroland’s Original Sin,, with Wray; The Greek Public Debt Problem, with Michalis Nikiforos and Gennaro Zezza; What Should Be Done with Greek Banks to Help the Country Return to a Path of Growth?, with Emilios Avgouleas; and Complementary Currencies and Economic Stability.
Member, editorial board, Challenge, The Bulletin of Political Economy, and Journal of Economic Analysis; book reviewer, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, The Economic Journal, and Atlantic Economic Journal. Frequent commentator on National Public Radio. Witness to U.S. Senate and House Committee Hearings on Banking, Finance, and Small Business.
At Bard since 1977.
Phone: 845-758-7711Website: https://dimitri-papadimitriou.com
Department: Levy Economics Institute
Location: Blithewood
Office: 200