Ethan Bloch
Professor of Mathematics
Academic Program Affiliation(s): Mathematics
B.A., Reed College; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University. Instructor, University of Utah (1983–86). Author, A First Course in Geometric Topology and Differential Geometry (1996); Proofs and Fundamentals: A First Course in Abstract Mathematics (2000; second edition 2010); The Real Numbers and Real Analysis (2011). Articles in Topology, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Topology and Its Applications, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Fundamenta Mathematicae, Israel Journal of Mathematics, Beiträge zür Algebra und Geometrie, Geometriae Dedicata, Mathematische Nachrichten, American Mathematical Monthly, and Discrete Mathematics. Recipient, National Science Foundation grant (1985–87). Member, American Mathematical Society. Specialization: geometric topology. At Bard since 1986.Contact:
Phone: 845-758-7266Website:
Department: Sciences
Location: Albee
Office: 317