Jennifer Phillips
Assistant Professor, Bard Center for Environmental Policy
Academic Program Affiliation(s): Bard Center for Environmental Policy, Environmental Studies
Assistant professor, Bard Center for Environmental Policy. Former researcher, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction, Columbia University, and NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Research interests include the impact of climate change and variability on farming systems, communication and perception of climate information for farm management, individual and group process in decision making, and sustainable farming systems.After eight years of research in eastern and southern Africa, she is now working (in collaboration with scientists from Columbia University) with farmers in eastern New York State on climate risk management, adaptation to climate change, and sustainability in the face of extreme climate events. The project is funded through the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Global Programs and the National Science Foundation. Doctoral research in environmental biophysics and plant/water relations; water use in eucalyptus. Articles in Agricultural Systems, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Climatology, and International Journal of Climatology; and several book chapters. B.A., Hunter College; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University.Contact:
Phone: 845-758-7845Email:
Department: Bard Center for Environmental Policy
Location: Hegeman Science Hall
Office: Room 04