Stefan Mendez-Diez
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Primary Academic Program: Mathematics
B.A. physics, B.S., mathematics, University of Chicago; Ph.D., University of Maryland. Research experience includes postdoctoral fellowships at Utah State University and University of Alberta, and research assistant positions at University of Maryland (string theory research interaction team), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (numerical relativity group), University of Chicago, Tulane University, and University of Puerto Rico, Humacao. He has published in Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Communications in Mathematical Physics, and Letters in Mathematical Physics on topics including geometrization of N-extended 1-dimensional supersymmetry algebras, string theory on elliptic curve orientifolds and KR-theory, and T-duality for orientifolds and twisted KR-theory. Selected talks include “Spin Curves from Supersymmetry Algebras,” at the String Math Conference, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum; “The Mathematics of Supersymmetry,” at University of Missouri–St. Louis Mathematics Colloquium, and “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Natural Sciences in Mathematics,” at Pepperdine University Natural Sciences Colloquium, among others. He has served as an instructor at Utah State University, University of Alberta, and University of Maryland. At Bard since 2016.Contact:
Phone: 845-753-7093Email: