On this page you will find resources around policies that impact life in the residence halls. For the full policy text, we encourage you to review the student handbook below. The policies for life in the residence halls are derived from local, state, and federal law (especially fire safety codes) and are enforced to assure safety of the community.
Planning for the Semester
Facts About Mold and Mildew
- Welcome to Bard!
- Student Government Constitution of Bard College
- Academic and Campus Life Calendar, 2024–2025
- Religious Services and Holiday Calendar, 2024-2025
- Social Media Guidance
- Sports & Student Clubs
- Bard College Student Government and Standing Committees
- Learning at Bard
- Campus Facilities and Resources
- Residence Life & Housing
- College Policies, Regulations, and Procedures
- Safety and Security
- Appendix I: Moderation
- Appendix II: Senior Project Preparation and Presentation
- COVID-19 Handbook Addendum
- COVID-19 Student Handbook Addendum
- Introduction
- Holding Ourselves Accountable: A Place to Think about Others
- Off-Campus Life & Engaging with the Local Community
- Living Off Campus
- Remote Learning
- Travel Outside of the Hudson Valley
- Expectations and Guidelines for Campus Life
- On-Campus Residence Life
- Isolation Housing
- Quarantine Housing
- Support Resources
- Student Health Pledge
On-Campus Residence Life
Kitchens and common areasAll students are required to wear masks and socially distance while using community kitchens and other common areas. Students are required to clean as they go, which means cleaning during kitchen use and immediately after kitchen use. Students should bring their own antibacterial dish detergent and sponges if they intend to use the common kitchen. This includes cleaning your dishes and taking them with you back to your room. Any dishes found left in the common kitchens will be discarded. Students may cook together only if they stay at least 6 feet apart. Dorm kitchens may only be used by the residents of that dorm. Students who violate these standards will be referred to the Bard Care Team.
At any given time, students should abide by all posted capacity regulations in addition to maintaining social distance. If a common area is at capacity or there is not enough space for an additional person to enter and also maintain a 6-foot distance, it is expected that you should wait before entering or ask politely if someone is ready to exit the space.
Bard’s Environmental Services team will clean dorm bathrooms 6 days a week, several times per day. Individual responsibility is also required. Each student is responsible for sanitizing their space after use. This means wiping down the sink, mirror, stall handles, and toilet surface before and after use. Cleaning and disinfectant spray will be provided in residence hall bathrooms. Please be courteous of other residents and do NOT remove the supplies from designated areas. All students are required to wear face covering when entering and exiting the bathroom.
Hand Dryers are not recommended for use by the CDC and have been disabled accordingly. Paper towels or drying hands naturally are recommended.
Hallways are a community space and a face covering is required at all times. When walking in the hallways, please walk on the right side so as to allow social distancing and the safe passing of other students. Standing in the hallway should be kept to a minimum, and groups must not congregate in hallways.
Guests are not allowed in residence halls. This includes Bard students who live off campus and students who live in other dorms on campus. Only the residents of the residence hall are allowed. Face coverings are not required among roommates in their rooms.
Recommended Cleaning Supplies and Practices
Students should bring antibacterial cleaning supplies so they can keep their living areas clean throughout the semester. This can include antibacterial wipes or antibacterial spray that specifically states that it “kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria,” and paper towels/washable rags. Students should plan to wash their reusable masks, bedding, and clothes often.