Planning for the Semester
Facts About Mold and Mildew
- Welcome to Bard!
- Student Government Constitution of Bard College
- Academic and Campus Life Calendar, 2024–2025
- Religious Services and Holiday Calendar, 2024-2025
- Social Media Guidance
- Sports & Student Clubs
- Bard College Student Government and Standing Committees
- Learning at Bard
- Campus Facilities and Resources
- Office of Alumni/ae Affairs
- Athletics and Recreation
- College IDs and Keys
- Bard Emergency Medical Services (Bard EMS)
- Bard Learning Commons
- Accessibility and Disability Resources
- Office of Quantitative Literacy
- Behavorial Intervention Team (BIT)
- Bertelsmann Campus Center
- Bookstore
- Career Development Office
- Center for Student Life & Advising
- Center for Civic Engagement
- Central Services
- Counseling Service
- Dean of Student Affairs Office
- Emergency Response Team
- Dining Services
- Environmental Services
- Financial Aid
- Health Services
- Bard Information Technology
- Office of International Student and Scholar Services
- Charles P. Stevenson Jr. Library
- Physical Plant/Buildings and Grounds
- Post Office
- Office of the Registrar
- Office of Residence Life and Housing
- Office of Safety and Security
- Shipping & Receiving
- Spiritual Life at Bard College
- Student Accounts
- Office of Student Activities (OSA)
- Student Employment Office
- Telecommunications
- Student Resources Group
- Transportation
- Trustee Leader Scholar Program (TLS)
- Open Society University Network (OSUN)
- Residence Life & Housing
- College Policies, Regulations, and Procedures
- Safety and Security
- Appendix I: Moderation
- Appendix II: Senior Project Preparation and Presentation
- COVID-19 Handbook Addendum
Health Services
Health Services
Robbins Annex
[email protected]
Monday–Friday 9:00am–5:00pm (by appointment)
Bard Health Services provides outpatient care to currently registered students during their academic year to promote optimal physical, emotional, intellectual, and social well-being through primary health care. The office is staffed by four nurse practitioners and a part-time physician and is supported by an office manager and a receptionist.
Covid-19 updates can be found here:
In case of a medical emergency, call the Bard Emergency Number at 845-758-7777 for evaluation by Bard EMS and/or transportation to Northern Dutchess Hospital. Students under 18 years old need to have parental authorization (on Health Services admission paperwork) for emergency treatments.
Health and Immunization Records
Prior to registration, all students must complete a health form that includes a personal medical history, results of a physical examination by a physician or nurse practitioner, and an immunization record documented by a health care provider. Particular attention must be paid to current immunization for measles, mumps, and rubella as required by the New York State Department of Health. Students who do not comply with this requirement are not allowed to register for classes. Students must also sign a form required by New York State that they have been informed about the meningitis vaccine. Bard College also requires a COVID vaccine for the 2021-22 academic year.
Allergy Clinic Allergy injections or other prescribed medications may be administered by the Health Service by appointment. A written statement and schedule from the prescribing allergy specialist must be submitted. Students must supply and pay for their own medication through their allergist office.
Medical Equipment For a fee, students may obtain the following medical equipment from the Health Service: crutches $30, canes $10, heating pads $20, peak flow meters $25, opti chambers $14, or thermometers $5. Students should call to make an appointment to purchase this equipment.
Medical Expenses: The College charges all undergraduate students a health fee. This allows access to the Health Service. Additional fees may apply for medications, immunizations, and some testing performed at Health Service. These fees will be charged to a student’s account in the Bursar’s Office.
Health Insurance Proof of insurance is a pre-admission requirement. Bard College offers a health insurance policy for those who do not have proof of other insurance or who lose their insurance coverage while in college (e.g. your insurance only covers you in a state that is not New York). Questions concerning insurance, claims and payments should be directed to the Health Services office manager at 845-758-7077.
Medical Syringes Students who use injection medicine, such as insulin, must properly dispose of their needles in sharps containers and not in the general trash. Disposing needles in the general trash places an unfair risk of needle puncture on Environmental Services staff, Buildings and Grounds staff and your fellow hall mates. The Student Health Service will provide FREE sharps containers. The Student Health Service will also take them back when they are full because there is regular biohazard pickup at the Health Service. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at ext. 7433. Improper disposal of needles will result in a fine of $50.00.
Medical Transportation Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to routine off-campus medical appointments. Students are advised to call a local transportation service (taxi, Uber, Lyft) and be prepared to pay the charges at the time of service. The Bard shuttle service is available according to a published schedule. Emergencies (to the ER) can be transported via a driver or by ambulance, depending on the type of medical emergency. Bard Student Resource Group (SRG) offers a ride service if a student signs up with 72-hour notice [email protected].
Medications prescribed by the College physician or nurse practitioner can frequently be dispensed at the Health Service. Students are charged at cost for most medications dispensed at the Health Service. Medications are billed to the student’s Bard account. Prescriptions from private physicians must be filled at a local pharmacy. The Health Service can also write prescriptions to be filled at the pharmacy. However, we do not prescribe psychiatric medications or medications for ADHD. Maintaining supplies of necessary regular medications should be planned with your psychiatrist and primary care provider. If you plan to stay in the local area over breaks and will lose your regular providers, or have out-of-state issues with your regular providers, you should establish care with a local psychiatrist, specialist, or primary care provider to continue your medications.
Notification of Illness Students are required to notify instructors directly about absences due to illness and to account for any missed coursework with their professors. The Health Service does not provide notes or notifications for professors for routine illnesses. For serious illness or hospitalization that is followed by the Health Service, we will notify the Dean of Student Affairs Office for a note to be sent to the student’s faculty members.
Smoking Cessation Bard Health Service and Bard Wellness strongly encourage students to quit smoking and vaping. For individuals, we offer smoking-cessation counseling, self-help materials, nicotine replacement patches and lozenges, medication prescriptions with advice about the different options available, and close follow-up and e-mail support. Some helpful websites for those contemplating quitting are,
Special Diets Students with medical conditions requiring a special diet prescribed by a physician must submit a letter to the director of the Health Service from his or her physician stating the medical diagnosis and the specific dietary requirements. The student must then submit the medical diet to the Director of Dining Services and the Dean of Student Affairs Office.