Have questions about undergraduate research?
Reach out to us today to make an appointment with a member of our team to learn more.
Contact: Craig Anderson, Director
Where to Begin?

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Research Presentations
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Bard College offers research opportunities to students throughout their college careers, as well as intensive research experiences for students who want to work on their projects full time.
Resources and Funding
Visit the webpage for the Office of Institutional Support at Bard College for information about applying for grants at Bard, including guidance and information about funding through the National Science Foundation.
Additional Study Opportunities
The Division of Science, Mathematics, and Computing
This state-of-the-art, 70,000-square-foot science facility, home to the Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Science Programs, opened in 2007. The Lynda and Stewart Resnick Science Laboratories wing opened in 2009. Designed by Rafael Viñoly Architects, a New York City firm, the dramatic, two-story building includes nearly 17,000 square feet of dedicated laboratory space. Biology equipment in the facility includes DNA and protein electrophoresis instruments, a digital gel imaging system, an array of standard PCR machines, a Real-Time PCR machine, two fluorescent microscopes, and a wide range of ecology field equipment.
Undergraduate Research News
Brooke Jude and Robert Todd Receive Grant to Support an Undergraduate Research Experience in Microbial Mapping
Glenn W. Bailey Foundation grant supports undergraduate students from both SUNY Dutchess and Bard College with an immersive, collaborative research opportunity in the Jude and Todd biology labs.
Bard College Astronomer Shuo Zhang and Undergraduate Student Rose Xu Discover New X-ray Flares from the Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole Sgr A*
More News
- Bard College Team Wins Mid-Hudson Chemistry College Bowl Trivia Competition
- Bard Biologists Elias Dueker, Gabriel Perron, Daniella Azulai ’17, and Mary Reid ’21 Copublish Study on the Impacts of Wastewater Treatment Discharge in Saw Kill River
- Bard Chemistry Professor Craig Anderson’s Lab Publishes Study on Luminescent Metal Compounds with Several Bardian Coauthors
- Professor Bruce Robertson and Two Bard Grads Coauthor a New Paper on Potential Impact of Light Pollution for Aquatic Insects
- Senior Project by Isabel Polletta ’20 MAT ’21 Leads to Published Study on Regulation of Self-Image on Instagram
- Senior Project Spotlight: Sasha Fedchin ’20
- Bard Memory Lab’s Michael Greenberg ’20 Wins Grant for Mindfulness Research Proposal