Loved for its central location, South Campus is a collection of 12 residence halls squaring off the lawn south of the Campus Center. With its current iteration of residence halls dating back to 1958, South Campus is known for its First-Year focus.
South Campus Residence Halls
South Campus Team, 2021-2022
Back Row, L to R: PCs Darrion, Oona, Sam, Phu, Huba, Symonne, Tsitsi, Tahj
Front Row, L to R: LPC Max, PCs N'Kira, Kelany, AC Tenzin, PC Abby
Back Row, L to R: PCs Darrion, Oona, Sam, Phu, Huba, Symonne, Tsitsi, Tahj
Front Row, L to R: LPC Max, PCs N'Kira, Kelany, AC Tenzin, PC Abby
South Campus Residence Life Team
South Campus is guided by a team of 12 Peer Counselors, 1 Lead Peer Counselor, and an Area Coordinator. Reach out to these folks for anything you could possibly need; if they can't help they can at least lead you in the right way!
Residential Evening Support Time
Also known as REST.
In the neighborhood
Check out what is close to South Campus